Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

27 October 2005

Before I Start Ranting, Here's A List Of Goodness And Wonderment

1. Grace.
2. The latest Morgen und Nite opus, Star In A Jar.
3. My friends. You all kick serious arse for sticking by me through the shit times.
4. Barolo.
5. Playing music that makes people look at you like you've just shouted cunt at a funeral.
6. Oceans, seas and rivers.
7. Rocking. Hard.
8. My insanely dangerous job and the bizarre places it takes me.
9. Lewes on bonfire night.
10. The wonderful world of chemicals.
11. Chrome.
12. Old Rosie, the world's most hallucinogenic scrumpy.
13. Cheap flights.
14. The smell of Neroli oil.
15. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose.
16. Vigeland Park, Oslo. Particularly the Hellraiser column. Nutcases.
17. The fact that George W. Bush can't be re-elected again.
18. Highland Cows.
19. Sleep. Both kinds.
20. The night of the destruction of Langham. Particularly the toilet door/staircase incident. You know what I'm talking about don't you Mr Gordon?
21. Young's beers.
22. Knots.

Stay tuned for the ranting, now I've written that list of joy, I can start foaming at the mouth. I have a serious bone (stop sniggering at the back) to pick with todays "rock" guitarists, lilly-livered ponces that most of them are. I'm just off to the shop for some good vodka, then I shall return to vent some spleen...


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