Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

23 February 2006

The Eyes, The Eyesssss!!!

On Tuesday I experienced something I wouldn't particularly recommend. Eye surgery under local anaesthetic. Clockwork Orange clamps, the dull echo of scraping in my half-numbed eyelid and far too much blood and matter for my liking. So now I'm off of my face on good old Syndol with the Churchills (killer late 60s Israeli psych like a cross between Bulldog Breed and Frijid Pink) blasting out at a fairly ridiculous volume. This stops me screaming everytime I blink, which is helpful, but does nothing to alleviate the somewhat wrong side effect of the eyedrops I have to use. About 15-20 minutes after I've put the drops in, I can taste them. Seriously. What does this mean? And if this is actually a common occurence for people using these eyedrops, as opposed to some weird quirk of my skull structure*, could you do us all a favour and possibly make them not taste like fucking drain cleaner? Cheers.

*Why in the name of Fuck would my eyes be connected to my mouth? What possible point could there be for this? Admittedly there have been occasions in the past when I was convinced I could taste what I was looking at, but drugs may have been involved. Possibly.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger The Outer Church said...

I had to take eyedrops once after my brother threw a magnet at my eye and scratched the cornea. I could taste 'em too, just as you describe.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Dr Wommm said...

It's not right is it? You just shouldn't be able to taste stuff you put in yr eyes.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Dr Wommm said...

The worst thing about it is the way the flavour sneaks up on you. One minute everythings normal, the next y're thinking 'I don't remember swallowing bleach'...

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Mistress La Spliffe said...

It goes down your tear ducts into your nose and then you get a chemical drip to where you can taste it. You know that film 'Roxanne' where Steve Martin drinks with his nose? Or you put away some powder and then everything is right with the world besides the battery acid feeling in your mouth? That's kinda what you're doing with the bleachy stuff. Wow! So gross!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Masonic Boom said...

Yeah, I was gonna say. Your eyes are connected to your mouth by your sinuses. Hence why you get puffy eyed when you have a cold.

Still, that sounds awful!

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Dr Wommm said...

Cool, thought I might be developing gills for a moment there...

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Masonic Boom said...

But... but then you would be the messiah or the weird alien worm thing that the dude becomes at the end of the Dune series and save the world!

Or, erm... something?

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Dr Wommm said...

As long as I don't have to wear Stings cosmic underpants I can run with that...

At 7:47 PM, Blogger The Outer Church said...

"I love gills/All kinds o' gills..."

I think that's how the song goes, anyway.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Masonic Boom said...

Oh come on, those pants were great! You'd look fantastic in them! Just don't go the whole hog and get the heartplug... ;-)


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