Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

20 June 2006

Hayfever Fuck Off

If I wanted to end up with torrents of snot pouring from my red-raw nose, eyes so bloodshot and dry they feel like they've been wrung out and a suspected collapsed lung then I'd be doing hydrochloride meth cut with fucking drain cleaner, at least I'd have the energy to run totally amok. I am, as you may have guessed, not in a particularly good mood. Not that I'm going to tell you for why, cos aside from the hayfever and normal everyday werk shite, I'm in such a foul temper that I will say exactly the wrong thing, piss off exactly the wrong people and generally make a cunt of myself in a public manner. So yeah, not best pleased at the moment. I'll be alright when I can get home and lock myself in the fridge* until I cool off. A gallon of Pimm's and a lump of hash the size of a golfball should hopefully calm me down a little. Fuck it, I'm going home...

*Does the light go off? Soon the great mystery will be solved!


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