Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

15 January 2006

Insomnio Otra Vez

Goddamn it, all I want is a decent fucking nights sleep. More than an hour at a stretch would be nice. I arrived home last friday to discover that the bottom couple of feet of my front door had been smashed in. Nothing had been stolen, which was a fucking relief, maybe they got disturbed, maybe they looked at my front room and thought someone else had ransacked it first, fuck knows, but it left me shaken and angry and jumping at shadows. I'm proficient enough at fucking with my own head without cunts like whoever broke in adding to it. So now I can't sleep. My brain feels like it would if I'd been up for five days on Desoxyn and ran out a few hours ago. Tired, violently wired and cut through with a misanthropic streak wide enough to qualify as a shipping lane.


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