Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

03 January 2006


Is the working name for my latest metal project, and after the long, stuttering death of TH, one I'm determined to get dead fucking right. The name, in case you were wondering, which you probably weren't, came to me after Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious got stuck in my head whilst listening to Sun Ra's (not very good) Tribute To Walt Disney. But I think it's a pretty good name, it certainly lets you know exactly what y're in for musically. No arseing around this time (well, maybe a bit) just psyched out angular deathgrinddoom horror with all the gutpuking and deathgrunting you could wish for. I've found a suitably octupus like drummer, now all we're after is a bassist. Preferably on with three arms. Or one, like Cat Butt's slide guitarist. Or, even better, one with a hook for a hand like the bloke who used to be in Shiver*. No bastards with 5 or 6 string basses need apply. Don't ask me why, I just loathe those things, they reek of muso fusion wankery and session musician hell, and they look fucking silly**

*Stupidly obscure late 60s/ear;y 70s San Francisco hard psych merchants. Check 'em out...

**I know I play a seven string, like my heroes Steve Vai and Head'n'Munky from Korn***, but this is my band and I'll make up the fucking rules. Talking of those tits Korn, check out Head's website, he's a born-again fuckwit, sorry, christian now and he wants to tell you all about it. He's a total wanker, but it's fucking funny. Here's the address, even this makes me laugh...


***Seriously though, Steve Vai just makes me laugh, particularly when he plays Satan in Crossroads and loses a guitar duel to the Karate Kid, but the Korn twats need a good slap, and to take the advice of the Green Cross Code man and Stop, Look and Listen to themselves. Or maybe just stop...


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