Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

18 December 2005

Twisted, But In No Way Bitter Part 2

I should go to bed. I have to sleep. I've been awake for far too long now. But I don't want to. I might miss something. Time seems to be moving faster than usual, and it's not drugs for a change, I'm just mildly stoned, it just seems that 24 hours in a day aren't fucking enough at the moment, there's so much music to play, so many people to see, too many ideas spinning round my head, too much electricity burning through my blood. I'm so fucking wired right now. I'll tell you about the rest of last night tommorow, but right now, coherence ain't my strong point. Suffice to say that tonight was another motherfucking killer. I'm not entirely sure what Sonic Mook were expecting from us, but it sure as shit wasn't the 20 minute one track jazzpsychbluesgrind raised middle finger that they got. It were lovely.

I can't see straight. Time for bed.



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