Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

15 December 2005

Two Things I've Been Accused Of Lately

Dressing like a 70s coke dealer.

Fair enough. I'm not gonna deny that one. Especially given my prediliction for large Aviator sunglasses*, flared pinstripe trousers and tight shirts with big collars. Not to mention the fact that my main musical collaborator once told me that my chosen footwear for that particular evening were "Nigerian pimp shoes"... So, guilty as charged, and totally unrepentant.

*Preferably either mirrored, tobacco, black Polaroid or rifle range yellow** if you were wondering what to buy the Dr for the winter sacrificial feast...

**you know the colour I mean, check out any Vietnam film or 70s cop drama, whenever people are in the shooting gallery, they always wear Aviators with lenses a very particular shade of yellow. Fuck knows why.

Using an unnecessary amount of foul language, particularly the word Fuck.

Bollocks. I absolutely adore the word Fuck. I know of no other single word, "obscene" or otherwise, which can convey such a range of feeling depending upon tone and context.

Teeth pushing into lip before releasing to produce a hard voiceless labiodental fricative, air moving to the back of the throat before rushing forward to become a velar plosive, like a fast burst from a compressed air gun, the word cutting dead as yr epiglottis slams shut. It's an incredibly satisfying word to say, if an infinitely more satisfying thing to do, which brings me to my next point. That is, if the reason you find the word fuck offensive is its root meaning, then you may need to sit down and have a serious talk with yrself. On the other hand you may not like it because it can be used in a seriously aggressive manner, and in some cases I won't disagree with you, it's a violent sounding word sometimes, but it can also be a beautiful one.

On the other hand, I probably say cunt too much. So maybe I am just a typical foulmouthed Streatham scumbag.


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