Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

18 July 2006

Magic Nose Goblins

Yes it's fucking hot. And I fucking love it. My brain has shut down for the day and decided it's not coming out to play until it's been plied with several glasses of icy sloe gin and tonic. Put simply, the combination of beautiful weather and my unusually good mood has turned me into Stimpy*, because thinking is frankly too much like hard work at the moment, as, for that matter, is work itself. Plus I've just spent an irritating 45 minutes trying to send one bastard email only for the fucking browser to crash every single bloody time I try. Normally this would provoke unbelievable amounts of despicable language, and possible damage to both computer and foot, but it's too damn hot to get electronirage, plus it's hard to get angry when you've got a big stoopid grin on your face. Also. I do tend to stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating, so apart from the fact that I'm not a cat and don't have a blue nose, my expression is worryingly similar to that of Stimpson J. Cat above. Time to go and sit by the river with a fucking big drink.

*Go and beg, steal or borrow the first two series of Ren & Stimpy if you know it not, cos it's still the finest example of animated stupidity ever if you ask me. On the other hand, if you're a fan too, why not sing along to the log song with me...

"It's Lo-og, Lo-og, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood,
It's Lo-og, Lo-og, it's better than bad, it's good!"


At 1:24 PM, Blogger Mistress La Spliffe said...

Stinking hot days do have that effect. Just leave your belly button alone. That shit will drive you insane.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger The Outer Church said...

Lee, you are the dude, and that is an ace post.


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