Venido a Esto, Va a Gobernar

No, not some obscure metal band indulging in a rock dots frenzy, but the best word in any language ever*, the Turkish equivalent of cock-a-doodle-doo, the greatest onomatopeia of them all, and, without a doubt, the finest song title Magma never came up with:
Two rather fine and exceedingly psychedelic Helios Creed videos from AmRep's Dope, Guns And Fucking Up Yr Video Deck comps which I reviewed ages ago:
I fucking hate everything Deep Purple ever recorded except for "Black Night", it's the only decent riff they ever played and they still had to rip it off of an Eddie Cochran B-Side. Tossers. But, Black Night does rock, so here's the appalingly mimed version from TOTP complete with the aforementioned awful sync and really fucking bored drummer...