Dr Wommm's Medicine Cabinet

20 August 2005

Too much ozone?

What fucker sandpapered my eyeballs while I was asleep? That's what I want to know.
Probably the same non-euclidean bastard that's turned the air into a thick humid soup that makes it hard to breathe and even harder to think. When it starts to rain I pop into the pub and take my icy bottle of porter into the garden and sit in the rain, drinking, getting wet and feeling my head clear along with the air. Too much ozone before the shower.
Don't get me wrong, I think ozone high up in the atmosphere is a wonderful thing, stopping us all from getting baked by UV, but down here, close to the ground is not where it should be, the free radical in the city's bloodstream. Wandering round London feels like walking through a giant substation where you can smell the stuff, that hot, thick smell of static and ionisation.
But like I say, the rain fell, and the air took on that wonderful clear, fresh quality you only get after it rains, when the atmosphere becomes negatively charged and the oxygen breaks free again. I found I could think almost normally again, and damn it, even my beer tasted better. And it's all thanks to electricity.


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